Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fourth of July Canyon, near Tajique, NM. My friend, Keele, and I went to take pictures here yesterday. I don't believe I have ever seen maple trees up close and personal like this. I took a over a hundred pictues and they were all beautiful. It was hard but I have limited my posting to about 15, trying to give you an idea of what you see on the way there, there, and on the way out. As a point of note, the road out was completely awful but well worth it because we saw a bobcat run across the road!

My lovely friend, Keele
On the way there, this is what the landscape looks like. 

Hard to believe you go from that to this in one short hour!

The Fourth of July Campground and trail.  The campground is gorgeous and the sites are wonderful and shady, but it would sure be tough to get in there with a trailer of any kind due to the narrow, rough road.

The next series of pictures were all taken on the short, easy trail we took.

The end of the trail.

On the way back to the car.

This is the road out. Passenger cars are not allowed, for good reason! Luckily we had Keele's boyfriend's SUV so we were able to take this road out.  Otherwise, you just go back the way you came in.

Besides the bobcat, this view was definitely worth the hassle of driving that rough road back to civilization!